UNDP annual report 2021

UNDP annual report 2021
June 8, 2022
This UNDP Annual Report provides a snapshot of the results we achieved together with countries and communities over the last 12 months, the final year of our four-year Strategic Plan. It considers the role we played in responding to some of the most intractable development problems of our time, including the COVID crisis, during which we helped 82 countries adopt vaccine registration and beneficiary tracking systems, supported the recruitment of 32,000 new health care workers, and protected nearly 1 mil lion jobs. Our work in Afghanistan, the Sahel and Iraq are examples of how transformations can take root even in the midst of crisis and fragility. And our Climate Promise supported 84% of all developing countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions ahead of the climate Conference of the Parties (COP) in Glasgow, with real ambition demonstrated by those developing countries on the front lines.