Mapping of international financial institutions involved in the Syria crisis response

Mapping of international financial institutions involved in the Syria crisis response
November 14, 2022
The report is based on the analysis of over 130 projects from the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the French Development Agency (AFD), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the German Investment and Development Bank (KfW), and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB). Overall, IFIs have mobilized nearly USD 10 billion in support of the response to the Syria crisis in host countries, covering the 20132025 period and targeting either refugees and their host communities or aiming to alleviate the impact of the crisis on national systems.
Jordan, which has been at the forefront of the IFIs investment with the 2016 Jordan compact, is the country receiving the most support, followed by Turkey, where IFIs have accessed significant grant funding from the EU, and Lebanon, where investments have been conditioned to structural reforms.
The report highlights that IFIs have mobilized a complex set of instruments to maximize the support of host countries. A complex picture emerges as the report finds that there are no dominant intuitions or modalities for IFIs support. The World Bank, which is the largest IFI in the region, accounts for only 40% of IFI support in the 3RP countries. Two third of IFI support comes from loans (including through the Global Concessional Facility). While projects have been developed over the past five year, the large majority of IFI interventions are still ongoing, at various stages of implementation.