UNDP and Ministry of Migration and Displaced encourage community reintegration in six governorates
June 8, 2023

Baghdad, Iraq – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Migration and Displaced have hosted a series of meetings this week for over 200 local authorities and community leaders from Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Kirkuk, Ninewa, and Salah al-Din governorates to encourage the sustainable community reintegration of displaced families.
Supporting the Government of Iraq’s priority to facilitate the return of Iraqi families from Al-Hol camp in north-east Syria to Al-Jada’a One Rehabilitation Center in Ninewa Governorate and areas of return, UNDP is implementing related projects in governorates liberated from ISIL. Supporting community acceptance is a key part of UNDP’s comprehensive approach to reintegration, which includes housing and infrastructure rehabilitation, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, and livelihoods training and opportunities.
During three separate meetings held from 5-7 June, local authorities and community leaders from the six governorates reviewed the situation of returning families to their areas, exchanged views to enhance the return process, and agreed on key approaches to support community acceptance. Discussion was encouraged by Ms. Evan Jabro Yacoub, Minister of Migration and Displaced and Mr. Zidan Khalaf Obaid, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Iraq on Human Rights, alongside governors and local government representatives.
“Ensuring the sustainable reintegration of displaced Iraqi families, including those being repatriated from Al Hol camp, who have been cleared through security procedures, is a priority for UNDP. Meetings such as these to foster community receptivity for reintegration ensure that the government, local community leaders, and the UN are working as one,” states UNDP Resident Representative, Auke Lootsma.
“These workshops promote peace and national reconciliation and encourage the interventions necessary from tribal leaders to rehabilitate affected areas in Iraq. The MOMD will work with UNDP with a unified approach to implement the ministry’s plan according to the Government of Iraq’s priorities,” says Ms. Evan Jabro Yacoub, Minister of Migration and Displaced.
UNDP Iraq’s five-year Social Cohesion Programme launched in January 2020 to promote stronger, peaceful, and more cohesive communities in all areas of Iraq.
Media contact:
Miriam Pineau, Communications Analyst | miriam.pineau@undp.org | +964 790 110 1982