UNDP Bolivia Accelerator Lab
Proactive people-public-private partnership building to understand complex systemic challenges collectively through experiment-driven sustainable development

Our team aims to reimagine development and accelerate systems transformation towards productive, inclusive and resilient societies by:
- Identifying local innovators, tapping into their expertise and creating actionable insights.
- Prototyping agile solutions to support subnational and national governments’ demands.
- Enabling digital transformation and data capacity-building for the whole of society.
- Co-designing portfolios of experiments to learn what works and what does not when dealing with complex systemic challenges.
- Building proactive coalitions to foster digitally-inclusive ecosystems.
- Learning through real-world experiments how to turn futures-thinking into futures-doing.
Our work is looking to accelerate impact at different levels:
- At the community level, with digital inclusion in neighborhoods.
- At the city level, crafting development options to generate better job opportunities for youth and women.
- At the metropolitan level, with big spatial data for urban sustainability.
- At the rural level, by promoting digital access to rural credit.
- At the national level, by assessing Bolivia’s digital readiness to accelerate the national digital transformation agenda.
Our partners
Engage with us to collaborate in this journey and become more resilient together. We are open to engaging with public policy decision makers, private sector partners, civic thought leaders, purposeful innovators, impact startupers and anyone who shares the desire for a great transformation. Reach out to us via email: laboratorios.bo@undp.org