
Full Report (English)

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May 2, 2012

The Tripura Human Development Report of 2007 throws light on the significant progress in social, economic and political indicators of human development. The Report reflects on how the current status on several development parameters in Tripura is better than the Indian average. Sectors such as health and education are of main focus for the government of the state. Furthermore, the Report also shows how despite being very rich in natural resources such as forests and natural gas, the lack of adequate infrastructure in terms of  processing, manufacturing, roads and railways of these resources and a non-diversified economic structure are two major drawbacks the state faces. Finally, the Report concludes by acknowledging that the level of public expenditure for human development in Tripura as a proportion of its income is substantially higher than in most states in India. Despite these successes, however, investment gaps in the areas of malnutrition and health infrastructure need to be urgently filled.