Transformative Chronicles


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Transformative Chronicles

November 26, 2023

This photo book is a tribute to the resilience and courage of the Afghan people in recent years. It features the stories of Afghans, who live in impoverished communities, and who mostly tell their own stories. The stories show how the individuals have overcome life's challenges and become role models and agents of change in the context of the post-August 2021 regime change. The publication aims to underscore the richness and endurance of Afghan culture, resilient in the face of time and war.

The Transformative Chronicles not only showcases the cultural resilience but also emphasizes UNDP's consistent support for these transformative journeys. Rooted in Afghanistan's unique landscape, the stories highlight collaborations with national and international partners such as the European Union, the Government of Japan, and the UN Special Trust Fund. Together, they enhance the impact of local initiatives, fostering a collaborative vision that transcends borders and generations.