Journey to Extremism in Africa: Pathways to Recruitment and Disengagement

Journey to Extremism in Africa: Pathways to Recruitment and Disengagement
February 7, 2023
The rise of violent extremism in sub-Saharan Africa is not just a security concern but also a threat to development progress that could affect generations to come. That's why it's more important than ever to understand what drives people to join extremist groups and how to prevent it from happening.
To address this urgent issue, the UNDP launched a follow-up study in 2020 called "Journey to Extremism in Africa: Pathways to Recruitment and Disengagement." This research builds on the previous report from 2017, expanding the scope and updating the findings. With a focus on refining the evidence base, this study aims to track variations in the drivers and incentives for recruitment, and identify ways to help people disengage from extremist groups.