Bilan Media
Somali Women Media Project (SWoMP)
[Closed Project]
“Bilan”, Somalia’s first all-women media unit, is revolutionising the media landscape, providing women with a safe space to work and the power to choose what they report and how they cover it.
The team reports a mix of hard news and in-depth features, with reports distributed locally on Dalsan and internationally through content partnerships with outlets including the Guardian, the BBC, El Pais and Missing Perspectives.
With its unique perspective and access to women’s lives and opinions, Bilan is breaking new ground not just for women journalists but also for Somali journalism, shining a light on stories that have long been ignored, from domestic violence and women prisoners to pay inequality and child-age mothers.
Bilan is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which provides funding, equipment and a mentoring programme with some of the biggest names in journalism, including the BBC’s Lyce Doucet and Mishal Husain; ITV’s Rageh Omaar; Channel 4’s Lyndsey Hilsum; and Al Jazeera’s Mohammed Adow.
“The Somali media is a hostile environment for female journalists. They are frowned upon by a society that believes a woman’s role is to stay at home, cook and have children,” says Laylo Osman, chair of the Somali Women Journalists Rights Association, in a recent assessment done for UNDP Somalia.
Women journalists are harassed on the street as soon as they take out a camera or try to conduct an interview. Official figures sometimes refuse to talk to them - demanding that a male journalist asks the questions instead. Even inside their own offices, women face harassment from colleagues and are routinely denied training opportunities and promotions. And when a woman does reach a position of authority, she is often ignored while more junior figures get to call the shots.
As a result, women’s careers are stymied and Somali media fall short on covering issues of concern to half the population.
Bilan has created an enabling environment for women to produce great journalism. Their work shines a light on issues that are usually ignored, gives a voice to those who are regularly silenced and helps hold the powerful to account. At the same time, Bilan is normalising the idea of women reporters in Somalia, making it easier for other women to find jobs and success in the media.
Ultimately, we hope the new unit will provide a model of well-researched and informative reporting that journalists across the country will come to respect and will want to emulate, irrespective of their gender.
Meet the team here:
Project achievements so far
A game changer for Somali media
Supported Bilan to win the 2024 One World Media Press Freedom Award
Enabled the production of reports twice a week on one one Somalia’s largest TV and radio networks on issues ranging from the rising problem of women’s drug use and the effect of HIV on families to features on successful female politicians and women farmers who plant their way through university. These have achieved more than 10m online views inside Somalia (regularly outperforming content produced by male journalists on the same channels) and reached millions more through commissions with international media.
Brought in household-name female and male journalists, including the BBC’s Lyse Doucet and Mishal Husain, ITV’s Rageh Omar, the New York Times’s Abdi Latif Dahir and Channel 4’s Lindsey Hilsum, to provide training and masterclasses.
Set up networks with the Guardian, the BBC, El Pais, the Toronto Star and New Humanitarian to bring Bilan’s reports to an international audience and raise the profile and prestige of Somali women journalists.
Secured global visibility in major print, radio and TV media and developed a network of reporters and media groups who are keen to work with Bilan and see it succeed.
Achieved huge recognition inside Somalia, from the PM’s office, which has involved Bilan in policy consultations and ministries that have responded to Bilan’s stories, down to individual women in local communities who call up to say thanks for bringing women’s voices to the TV and radio. Bilan is quickly becoming a well-respected household name, blazing a path for women in the media and creative sectors.
Established an internship programme to provide women journalism students and recent graduates a first opportunity in the media.
What are people saying?
“We received more inquiries about [Bilan Chief Editor] Nasrin’s blog than any other story we’ve run, which shows how strongly journalists feel about this initiative.”Isabel Choat, Guardian Commissioning Editor
“I was delighted to read such a compelling article from a Bilan journalist published in the Guardian about the current drought. Having this kind of highly skilled female journalists is something we have long dreamed of in Somalia .”Farah Omar Nur, General Secretary of the Federation of Somali Journalists
“Bilan Media is a rare opportunity for female journalists in Somalia. Within a short time, they’ve produced significant stories that have been published in international and local media.”Mohamed Moalimuu, Ex-PM spokesperson and current MP