Mawhiba Participation at ECOSOC Youth Forum 2023

May 10, 2023

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum offers a unique opportunity for young people from around the globe to engage with policymakers, discuss pressing issues, and contribute to the development of policies and strategies that address their needs. In this report, we will share our collective experience at the forum, with a special focus on our participation in the forum events, engagment with Misk and Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), and our meeting with HE Mr.Abdulaziz Alwasil, the permanent ambassador to the UN. We will also highlight the nature of participation, knowledge gained, and skills acquired during the event.

I. Our Participation at the Forum

  1. Saudi representation: We had the opportunity to represent our organizations “Mawhiba” along with other members. Misk was present with six members, and MEP participated with three members. The total Saudi representative is 17 members. 
  2. Session formats: The forum consisted of three types of sessions - plenary sessions, parallel sessions, and side events, which provided various ways to engage and explore topics of interest.
    • Plenary sessions: Held at the Trusteeship Chamber, these sessions were attended by all participants, providing an opportunity for collective discussions on key issues. However, these sessions tended to be more formal, limiting direct engagement. During the plenary session, MEP had the opportunity to deliver an official statement.
    • Parallel sessions: We could choose to attend these sessions, which were divided by regions or topics, allowing us to focus on areas of specific interest. MEP also delivered an official intervention at one of the parallel sessions.
    • Side events: These events took place in conference rooms at the UN headquarters or hosting permanent missions and offered additional opportunities for engagement and learning on various topics. Side events were particularly valuable as they provided a more interactive and informal environment, enabling us to engage actively in discussions and network with other attendees. 
  3. Moderated discussions: Most of the sessions had a group of moderators who posed questions to delegates from ministries or youth representatives. Delegates had a timed response, followed by a follow-up question or a transition to another delegate.
  4. Meeting with Misk and MEP: During the forum, we had the opportunity to meet with representatives from Misk and MEP, which allowed us to exchange ideas, share experiences and coordinate our participation.
  5. Meeting with HE Mr. Abdulaziz Alwasil: We had the privilege of meeting HE Mr. Abdulaziz Alwasil, the Saudi permanent ambassador to the UN, in the last day of the forum at the Saudi Mission to the UN headquarter. This meeting provided valuable insights into the role of the UN and its member states in addressing global challenges. In addition, we had a Q&A session with HE.
  6. Networking opportunities: The forum provided an excellent platform for networking with like-minded individuals and organizations from around the world. These connections can be instrumental in future collaborations and knowledge exchange.

II. Knowledge Gained

  1. Understanding of global issues: Our participation in the forum allowed us to deepen our understanding of pressing global challenges, such as climate change, watersustainability, employment and Education, and their impact on young people.
  2. Policy and strategy insights: Engaging with policymakers and experts, including HE Mr. Abdulaziz Alwasil, provided valuable insights into the development and implementation of policies and strategies that address the needs of youth.
  3. United Nations systems: The forum exposed us to the workings of the United Nations and its various organs, promoting a better understanding of the role of international institutions in shaping global policies.

III. Skills Acquired

  1. Leadership and advocacy: Our experience at the forum allowed us to develop our leadership and advocacy skills
  2. Critical thinking and problem-solving: The forum fostered an environment where we could analyze complex issues and discuss it with each other in the delegation. 
  3. Communication: Attending sessions and participating in the side events helped us improve our communication skills, which are essential for effectively conveying our ideas and advocating for change.
  4. Networking and collaboration: The forum provided numerous opportunities to build relationships with other participants, fostering a spirit of collaboration and enabling us to expand our professional network.

IV. Social Media Appearances


V. Mawhiba Participants

  • Abdullah Altammami 
  • Sanad Alrashidi
  • Manal Alshamarani
  • Turkey Alrubaye
  • Abdullah Alshanqiti
  • Fatima Maidan
  • Nora Aldosary