Recovery in Pacific Island Countries: An Orientation Guide for Parliamentarians

Recovery in Pacific Island Countries: An Orientation Guide for Parliamentarians
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DownloadRecovery in Pacific Island Countries: An Orientation Guide for Parliamentarians
April 22, 2022
Parliament is the intended audience for this publication and they include:
- Individual Members of Parliament, who can ensure the views and opinions of their constituents are shared and heard during parliamentary debates, in submitting parliamentary questions and through other constituency casework.
- Public Accounts Committees, who have a key role in their role scrutinizing budgets, economic policies and spending.
- Standing and/or legislative committees, whose scrutiny of non-financial Bills and policies brought before Parliament can help ensure sustainability isn’t an afterthought – that sustainability is built into every aspect of recovery policy.
- Parliamentary staff, whose research, procedural and professional support can help ensure Members of Parliament are well-equipped to conduct scrutiny, pass laws, budgets and represent their constituents through a sustainability lens.