Phase 2

Kiribati Trade Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening Project

The project will continue to support Kiribati in benefitting from trade by developing national capacities to implement and assess trade-related strategies that are aligned with the Kiribati Development Plan and the 20-year vision Development Plan (KV20). This second phase aims to strengthen the capacity of institutions and stakeholders to implement trade policies that support poverty reduction, inclusive economic growth and equitable sustainable development. In doing so, the project will also continue to address institutional capacity constraints by incorporating sustainable development and gender perspectives. 

The project will endure to assist Kiribati to develop its inclusive trade development agenda in order to spread the benefits of trade to all i-Kiribati, as envisaged in its Trade Policy Framework 2017 - 2027 and KV20. The project is expected to enhance links between trade, human development and poverty reduction, and maintain the adoption of a whole-of-government approach to mainstream trade and aid coordination, and support the inclusive participation of stakeholders in trade policy implementation. The project is being implemented by the Project Management Unit at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives in collaboration with UNDP as the main implementing entity.