Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources
Responding to the changing nature of the conflict and its prevention, the Inclusive Governance of Natural Resources (IGNR) project focuses on two key areas:
- Women’s and youth inclusion in negotiating and decision-making processes on the use of land and natural resources.
- Traditional Governance Bill’s amendments in selected provinces and partner with the Solomon Islands Government to develop peace and security programmes, reflecting women’s and youth voices.
In close partnership with the Ministry of Traditional Governance, Peace and Ecclesiastical Affairs (MTGPEA), Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey (MLHS), Ministry Women, Youth and Children Affairs (MWYCFA), the Prime Minister's Office, and the National Youth Congress - the project aims to reduce actual or potential conflicts triggered by deficient legislative frameworks, private interests and lack of inclusivity with regards to decisions on the use of land and natural resources in the Solomon Islands.
All along with Phase II and supported by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, IGNR project supports the agenda of UNSC Resolutions #1325 and #2250. It provides technical assistance through timely reform of the Solomon Islands' legislation and policy and focuses on:
- Support with Constitutional amendment which is necessary to enable the amendment to the Land and Titles Act to reflect the customary and traditional land tenure systems of the country.
- Provide assistance in aligning the Traditional Governance Bill to the Amended Land and Titles Act and ensure that it reflects the concerns of women and youth.
- Support the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey to improve the Government’s recording of customary land titles under the amended Land and Titles Act.
- Support the National Youth Council and revitalize the Provincial Youth Councils.
The project also workd to achieve the two development outputs by December 2021
Outcome 1: The Government is equipped with analyses, laws, policies and frameworks on land and natural resource management, which are inclusive and reflective of customary governance.
Outcome 2: Communities adversely affected by land and natural resource mismanagement including Violence Against Women and Girls, participate more strongly in decisions on land and natural resources use.
The geographical zones or provinces are Malaita, Western, Choiseul, Guadalcanal and Honiara.
Ultimately, the project team along with the line Ministries and the Government of Solomon Islands is working to provide guidance on developing peace and security programmes that are women, youth and people with special needs sensitive and inclusive.