UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative Visit Solomon Islands for Key Meetings and Parliamentary Induction Program
June 17, 2024

UN Resident Coordinator Dirk Wagener (left) and UNDP Resident Representative Tuya Altangerel meeting Speaker of the Parliament of Solomon Islands, Hon. Petteson Oti.
Honiara, Solomon Islands – The United Nations Resident Coordinator to Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, Dirk Wagener, and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji Resident Representative, Tuya Altangerel, arrived in Solomon Islands on Sunday for a joint mission to the country.
The joint visit aims to strengthen the relationship with the newly elected government following the elections held on 17 April.
During the week, the pair will hold joint meetings with the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, various ministers, and development partners.
“These meetings aim to engage with the new government and reaffirm the UN's support for the Solomon Islands' democratic and developmental progress” says Mr. Wagener.

UN Resident Coordinator Dirk Wagener.

UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji Resident Representative, Tuya Altangerel.
The visit is being undertaken to coincide with the Members of Parliament Induction, Orientation and Ongoing Professional Development Program for the country’s 12th Parliament, developed by the Parliament Secretariat with support of the UNDP and the governments and people of Japan and New Zealand, scheduled between 16-20 June in Honiara.
“This induction is a crucial step in fortifying Solomon Islands’ vibrant democracy, strengthening the governance system and responsive public leadership” says Ms. Altangerel.
The structured capacity-building program is the first phase of ongoing professional development opportunities for Members of Parliament (MPs), coordinated by the National Parliament with support from UNDP, the Parliament of New South Wales, the Parliament of the Republic of Fiji, the House of the Representatives of New Zealand, the Parliament of Papua New Guinea and La Trobe University.
The program is strongly supported by former and current MPs, Constitutional Office holders and other experts from the Solomon Islands who will contextualise good practices within the Solomon Islands setting.
The induction program will provide MPs with a comprehensive understanding of their key responsibilities: lawmaking, oversight, and representation. By exploring themes such as responsible government, the separation of powers, and public leadership, the program facilitates active engagement among MPs and experienced facilitators. MPs will also reflect on successful engagement strategies and their roles within the parliamentary framework.
The five-day program will culminate in an orientation event at the National Parliament Building on Friday, 21 June. This event will offer first-time members a guided introduction to parliamentary procedures and the services provided by the National Parliament Secretariat.
The induction program is expected to not only enhance MPs' understanding of their constitutional roles but also help them establish development priorities, personal goals, and actionable plans for their term. Continuous professional development activities following this program will further address issues raised and other priorities for knowledge and skills-based capacity building.
For more information or media inquiries please contact:
Daniel C. Gonzalez, Communications Analyst, UNDP Solomon Islands Office, daniel.calderon.gonzalez@undp.org | +677 7740740/ +34 656560270