Effective Governance
We convene people, build partnerships and share ways to promote participation, accountability and effectiveness at all levels. We partner with and support the Pacific Island countries in achieving long term economic and social sustainable growth for its people by strengthening its governance mechanisms to enable a more equitable distribution of public resources to grassroots communities and the marginalized.

Youth representatives from 10 different communities from Makira Province in one of the three day workshop. Highlighting how Youth have an important role to play as well in community justice
We work towards improving the capacities of parliaments, sub-national government ministries and civil society organizations to ensure improved service delivery, inclusive decision making and promote social cohesion at community level.
reached in Tonga through the REACH project model proven in Fiji.
Member of Parliaments elected in the Solomon Islands National Elections 2020, which is the highest number ever in its law-making body.
In depth
Peace, justice and strong institutions
In support of the Sustainable Development Goal 16, we promote national efforts to sustain peace and stability, working with governments and parliaments to develop innovative mechanisms to increase their interaction and consultations with marginalized groups, in particular women and youth. To address the issues of geographic remoteness, access and voice, we promote interactive community-to-government solutions through digital communications between people and their elected and appointed officials.
Gender equality
To promote Sustainable Development Goal 5, we work with national institutions, civil society and other key partners such as the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, the Pacific Community, UN-Women and Pacific women shaping Pacific development. Our comparative advantage in working in the political sphere allows us to work with other stakeholders to advocate for legal and policy reforms to increase the number of women candidates in national and local elections. To address cultural and social barriers to women’s political participation, we work with political parties, role models and male champions to encourage behavioral change and community support, especially among youth, to realize the benefits of gender-inclusive decision-making. These efforts are complemented by support for electoral awareness and civic engagement, focusing on the role of civil society.
Transparency and accountability
Governments, parliaments, civil society and the media are key partners in increasing the transparency of institutions and the accountability of decision-makers in issues of public concern such as youth unemployment, natural resources management, and the transparent use of climate finance. To further the implementation of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption commitments, we support the development of anti-corruption policies and institutions and strengthen the oversight responsibilities of legislatures, the role of parliamentary committees, and the functions of independent constitutional offices. We work with youth and community organizations to create networks and partnerships to increase demand for social accountability.
In building responsive government institutions, we work at both national and subnational levels to promote conditions for peace, strengthen capacities, and reform systems for improved service delivery to geographically isolated areas. In partnership with the United Nations Peacebuilding Office, UN-Women and key partners, including civil society, we empower youth and women in the Solomon Islands by providing forums for policy dialogue with decision-makers, and improving conflict resolution skills.
Good health and wellbeing
We assist countries in the Pacific to improve public services by promoting effective, inclusive governance for sustainable health outcomes. While a number of partners, such as the Pacific Community, the World Health Organization, UNICEF and UNFPA, are working directly with Ministries of Health and other specific ministries, we build on past and ongoing work to partner with public and private sector actors in a broad whole-of-society approach to foster policy action and coordination beyond the health sector so as to address the social, economic, environmental and political factors that determine the burden of non-communicable diseases. Using our comparative advantage and implementation capacities, we strengthen national systems to provide equitable access to services for people affected by HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria through improved financial management, procurement systems, monitoring and evaluation, and civil society engagement.
Rule of law and access to justice
We support the promotion of peaceful, inclusive societies by working with governments, justice and security sector institutions, and civil society, to strengthen the rule of law and access to justice. Building on our successful experiences in the Pacific, priority is given to measures for effective delivery of justice outcomes, enhancing legal aid provision, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, and expanding access to justice to remote areas, with a focus on women, youth and vulnerable groups. We have been implementing innovative approaches to take central government services out to populations in remote and rural areas, and will scale up support to this successful centre-to-periphery service delivery by mobile teams. We address ongoing and emerging issues such as early access to justice, grievances over land and property, risks related to extractive industries, management of natural resources, and the use of rapidly increasing climate finance.