Malaysia Recommendations for an Integrated National Financing Framework

Malaysia Recommendations for an Integrated National Financing Framework
August 26, 2024
This report provides a comprehensive set of recommendations for the development and implementation of an Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF) in Malaysia. INFF is a planning and delivery tool that helps countries strengthen their planning processes and overcome existing impediments to financing sustainable development at the national level.
The Malaysia INFF looked at the full range of financing sources – domestic public resources, aid and development cooperation, and domestic and international private finance – to develop a strategy to increase investment, manage risks, and achieve Malaysia’s sustainable development priorities.
Building on the Development Finance Assessment (DFA) exercise, the report lays out SDG-aligned budgeting and SDG costing guideline and three other building blocks of the INFF, namely: i) Financing Strategy, ii) Monitoring and Review, and iii) Governance and Coordination.
To see more details on recommendations for each area, please download the report.