Focus areas
Democratic Governance
Priority: Peace
Strengthening democratic governance and establishing a more cohesive and inclusive society.
UNDP’s theory of change for this outcome area suggests that if Malaysia strengthens inter-ethnic and cultural harmony and cohesion; if government institutions are more capable and effective in delivering public services; and if the system of checks and balances across branches of government is strengthened and government agencies are more inclusive, responsive and efficient; then all Malaysians will benefit from a more tolerant and cohesive society, greater inclusiveness and future-oriented governance, and more participatory decision-making.
Under this pillar, UNDP will support the legal affairs division (BHEUU) in the Prime Minister’s Department in developing the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights to uphold commitments by private and public institutions to implement the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. UNDP will also coordinate inputs from other United Nations organizations (for example International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM) on migrant and labour issues), sharing global and regional best practices and lessons learned.
Given that women and men often experience human rights abuses differently, UNDP is also currently working to ensure that a gender perspective is incorporated and addressed in the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAPBHR), a development which is on-going.

Lead ministries and the working group for Malaysia's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (B+HR) meeting with the assessment team to discuss initial findings from the nationwide study in February 2023.
At the subnational level, UNDP will support state and local authorities to localize the Goals, increase government responsiveness to citizens, and enhance effectiveness of public service delivery. UNDP will also help Malaysia to make political processes more inclusive by building the capacity of key institutions by sharing global lessons learned and best practices, including on women’s participation. Technical assistance to Parliament will include support for its select committees and Secretariat. Programming will help improve access to justice, especially for remote communities and vulnerable and marginalized groups.
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