UNDP-GEF Enabling Activities Project. Assessment of Capacity Building Needs, Preparation of Second and Third National Reports (CBD) and the Clearing House Mechanism

UNDP-GEF Enabling Activities Project. Assessment of Capacity Building Needs, Preparation of Second and Third National Reports (CBD) and the Clearing House Mechanism
January 6, 2019
UNDP is supporting the Government of Guyana to strengthen monitoring and implementation of biodiversity-friendly practices in Guyana's gold mining sector to reduce biodiversity loss and maintain ecosystem functionality for the benefit of all Guyanese. The mayor objectives of this add-on request are to assist the Government of Guyana in addressing its priorities relating to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). These priorities include: undertaking a comprehensive capacity building assessment for defining country specific priorities, supporting the consultation process to complete its Second and Third National Reports to the CBD, and establishing a country-driven Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism to provide easier Access to information related to biodiversity as identified in the National Biodiversity Action Plan and required by the CBD. |