Role of effective institutional coordination for successful reforestation


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Role of effective institutional coordination for successful reforestation

2020년 3월 25일


The Republic of Korea experienced an extraordinary forest transition, it is one of only four countries and the only former developing country, to succeed in rehabilitating its forests following World War ll. This paper focuses on Korea’s approach to reforestation, specifically, ministry-level coordination and collaboration. The publication explores, the effectiveness of a comprehensively integrated policy approach that has both horizontal and vertical components; and has detailed, concrete objectives while delineating clear responsibilities among a variety of stakeholders. 


In 2018, UNDP Seoul Policy Centre partnered with the Center for Global Climate and Marine Governance at Korea University on a KOICA project, titled, "Strengthening the Capacity to Address Climate Change on Forestry Sector in Ethiopia" ( This publication is one of the outcomes for this project.