The Path Forward: Reflecting on COP27 Outcomes and Looking Ahead to COP28

Jemima Michael Erasto, Programme Analyst, Inclusive Entrepreneurship, UNDP Ghana

November 29, 2023


COP, or the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), represents a pivotal moment in the global effort to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change. These conferences are significant gatherings where nations come together to deliberate, negotiate, and act on strategies to combat climate change and its far-reaching consequences.

The importance of COP cannot be overstated. It serves as a critical forum for countries to assess their collective progress in tackling climate change, set new commitments, and advance international agreements aimed at curbing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing climate resilience, and mobilizing financial resources for climate action.

In this era of rapidly changing climate patterns, increasing extreme weather events, and the imperative to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, COP27 takes on heightened significance. It provided an opportunity for nations to demonstrate their dedication to meaningful climate action and to forge alliances and partnerships that can drive global efforts to address this urgent global issue.

As a young development professional, I followed the discussions and outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) with great interest and optimism.

It is evident that the COP27 conference marked a turning point in our collective efforts to combat climate change, and there are several reasons to be hopeful about. Let me share some key outcomes of the essential conversation with you:

Increased awareness and urgency: COP27 served as a wake-up call by highlighting Africa's vulnerabilities and the need for immediate action. It reminded us of the urgency of combating climate change and the importance of acting promptly. The conference succeeded in raising awareness among governments, world leaders, and citizens, emphasizing the need for immediate and collective action.

New initiatives and partnerships: COP27 witnessed the introduction of valuable initiatives such as the facility on loss and damage, which demonstrates a positive step towards addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The partnerships forged at the conference have the potential to mobilize resources and expertise. Moving forward, it is crucial to ensure that the initiatives and partnerships launched at the conference, including the Forests and Climate Leaders' Partnership (FCLP), which Ghana is co-chairing, are implemented effectively and with the full participation of the most affected communities.

Youth engagement and empowerment: COP27 highlighted the importance of involving youth in climate discussions, recognizing their potential for innovative solutions. However, challenges remain due to the scale of the climate issue and limited resources. African negotiators led in advocating for climate financing, technology transfer, and adaptation support. These priorities are critical as Africa faces severe climate impacts. COP28 must build on COP27 agreements, ensuring they lead to meaningful action in the global fight against climate change. 

With COP28 on the horizon, it is vital to consider the following recommendations for key stakeholders:

As we approach COP28, governments worldwide must translate COP27 agreements into actionable policies and measures. These include ambitious emissions reduction targets, increased climate financing, and support for adaptation efforts, especially in vulnerable regions like Africa. World leaders can also play a part to advocate for increased climate funding, prioritize climate action in policies, fulfill funding pledges, and collaborate globally. 

Development organizations and developed countries can provide funding and assistance for developing countries’ transition to low-carbon transitions, promote sustainable practices. Also, on the part of Climate activists, they can raise awareness, advocate for policies, engage with communities, and support adaptation measures. Lastly, young people can help reduce personal carbon footprints, use their voices for climate action, and engage in collective efforts.

These recommendations can be implemented through a combination of policy measures, funding and technical assistance, public awareness and advocacy campaigns, and collaborative international initiatives. It will require a concerted effort from all actors to ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to address the climate crisis and build a sustainable future for all. It is now up to each one of us, across all sectors of society, to take action and effect change.


As a young African, I believe that we have a responsibility to take action on climate change. Our future is at stake, and we cannot afford to be passive bystanders.

We must do more, demand more from our leaders, and hold them accountable for their response to climate change. We must also act in our communities by reducing our carbon footprint, promoting sustainable practices, and advocating for policies that protect our planet and our future. By taking these steps, we can all become powerful agents of change in the fight against the climate crisis. Together, we can create a more sustainable and just future for all.