UNDP helps Communities in Kgalagadi District Derive Value out of invasive Prosopis

July 28, 2020

BORAVAST Production team; Photo- UNDP/Lebogang Tlhaloso

UNDP Resident Representative in Botswana, Jacinta Barrins on BORAVAST charcoal production
UNDP Resident Representative in Botswana, Jacinta Barrins on BORAVAST charcoal production

Bokspits, 28th July 2020 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) today launched the charcoal project for the communities of Bokspits, Rapples Pan, Vaalhoek and Struizendam (BORAVAST) in the Kgalagadi district. UNDP has been working in collaboration  with the government of Botswana through the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism (MENT) to implement an environmental project sponsored by Global Environment Facility in the Dryland Ecosystem, entitled “Managing the Human-Wildlife Interface to Sustain the flow of Agro-ecosystem services and Combat Illegal Wildlife Trafficking in the Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Drylands” popularly known as the “Kgalagadi and Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystems Project (KGDEP)”

Prosopis, an evergreen shrub, is one of the most invasive alien species causing economic and environmental harm in arid and semi-arid areas if left unmanaged. The weed spreads rapidly in the rangelands, croplands and forests and in particular threatens pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods. In Kgalagadi, Prosopis has invaded Wildlife Management Areas and National Parks threatening biodiversity. There are several factors favouring its rapid distribution in the environment. Its ability to adapt to a wide range of climatic condition, effective dispersal mechanism, its allelopathic effect, prolific nature, having large seed bank in the soil environment, fast growing and vigorous coppicing ability are among the principal factors. Prosopis has the capacity to decrease the composition and diversity of plant species and it has adverse effects on crop yield, as well as animal and human health. Despite its negative effects, the tree has potential uses such as fuel, charcoal, fodder, biochar, windbreaks, shade, construction and furniture materials, and sand dune stabilization. In efforts to develop management strategies that are environmentally friendly and economically viable, the BORAVAST Community Trust with Support from MENT and UNDP, opted to utilise the Prosopis for charcoal and fodder production in order to bring them under control. This business venture gives the community an opportunity to turn a natural resource into an asset of which the benefits will trickle down to the communities through employment creation and income generation.

UNDP Resident Representative in Botswana, Jacinta Barrins

The UNDP Resident Representative in Botswana, Jacinta Barrins commended BORAVAST communities for coming together to exploit an opportunity to produce charcoal out of the invasive species. She added that by clearing Prosopis the landscape would be rehabilitated to increase continued flow of ecosystem goods and services, simultaneously improving  livelihoods of the communities.

Jacinta further demonstrated that the KGDEP in collaboration with the Department of Forestry and Range Resources (DFRR) conducted entrepreneurial and production training for 15 BORAVAST members (9 female/6 male) to spearhead this business venture. She added that the gender balance demonstrates the pivotal role played by both women and men in development.

She lamented that the UNDP will continue in its endeavours to see the successful implementation of the KGDEP which would be a legacy for the country’s long-term development goals.

Deputy Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism Mr. Gaogakwe Phorano; Photo- UNDP/Lebogang Tlhaloso

On his part, the Deputy Permanent secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism Mr. Gaogakwe Phorano applauded the BORAVAST communities for giving women an opportunity to play a leading role in the management of Community Trusts. He encouraged the charcoal production team to  put in place a marketing strategy to promote  sales beyond the district.
Mr. Frederick Titus who spoke on behalf of the trust welcomed the support they were getting and encouraged the BORAVAST community to take advantage in it to relief themselves from poverty that has ravaged the district. He added that the venture will also activate other chain businesses such as transport of the product to the market, retail businesses, provide employment and income

Photo- UNDP/Lebogang Tlhaloso

Photo- UNDP/Lebogang Tlhaloso