Call for Input: Study on sexual harassment within the media and entertainment industry

February 14, 2024

Sexual harassment within the media and entertainment industry has been a longstanding issue that has gained significant attention in recent years. The #MeToo movement, which gained momentum in 2017, highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault across industries in particular in the media and entertainment sector. Globally, it sparked a wave of public disclosures, creating pressure for industry reforms, greater accountability, and improved mechanisms for reporting and addressing incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace.

UNDP B+HR Asia is partnering with Gender at Work Consulting and UNI-MEI to conduct a comprehensive study on sexual harassment grievance redressal mechanisms at the workplace focusing on the media and entertainment sectors across Asia, with a special focus on India, Malaysia and the Philippines. 

Our goal through this study is to collect insights from individuals working in the media and entertainment industry, with a specific focus on women and those identifying as women.

As part of this study, we are undertaking an Asia-wide survey to gather information about the types of sexual harassment and workplace discrimination faced in the media and entertainment industries, as well as to assess the effectiveness of responses to such issues. The findings from the survey will contribute to recommendations aimed at creating a safer, more inclusive, and gender-equitable environment within the media and entertainment sector.

People from the media and entertainment industry are welcomed to fill this, it is a completely anonymous survey and no names (of the person and the organization) will be reflected anywhere.

The varied experiences will add immensely to our study. To share your experiences and shed light on the important issue, please click on the following survey link (please choose the language you are most comfortable with):

English - 
Hindi - 
Korean -
Japanese -
Malay - 
Malayalam - 
Tamil - 
Telugu - 
Thai -

The survey is completely anonymous. All the information provided by participant of this survey will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Respondents' identities will not be disclosed in any report based on the survey data. The collected information will be used exclusively for professional and academic purposes.