Liter of Light

Liter of Light is a group that assists neighborhoods in need of light across 15 countries in South America

Liter of Light is a global, grassroots movement that provides light to communities with limited or no access to electricity, using inexpensive and readily available materials.  In Argentina, several people joined forces after witnessing the lack of access to public lighting and associated precarity and insecurity in neighborhoods that are not well lit.

They asked themselves, “how can a child study without light? How can they maintain personal hygiene?” Light is essential. 

This group organized their own branch of Liter of Light, a global movement that started in 2011 in the Philippines. The Argentinian group, “Litro de Luz,” began by making and setting up photovoltaic streetlights that were easy to install.

Liter of Light in Argentina uses locally available parts: re-used panels, batteries and simple power supplies to make low voltage and renewable lighting. Volunteers also teach marginalized communities how to use recycled plastic bottles and locally sourced materials to illuminate their homes, businesses and streets. Liter of Light in Argentina works in Buenos Aires, in neighborhoods like La Matanza, Rosario, Córdoba and Los Artesanos. They also assist local Liter of Light groups in Peru, Venezuela and Ecuador. 

The solution is based on the installation of luminaires that work with photovoltaic energy. The system uses lead acid batteries (whose value ranges from US$20 to $50 and last between two to three years). It also comes with a 30-watt solar panel that can withstand strong winds and commonly used 12v outdoor lighting. All these elements can be obtained ubiquitously, hence the versatility of this solution. 


Today the team members are:  

  • Gisela Domancich: Liter of Light Argentina Program Coordinator  
  • Cristina Quezada: I-VOX Coordinator  
  • Ignacio Beltran: Strategic Development Coordinator  
  • Guillermina Rava: Liter of Light Argentina Intervention Coordinator  
  • Federico Bevilacqua: Constructability and Planning Coordinator.  
  • Engineer Lucas Herrero: Production Engineering and General Coordinator.