UNDP Development Dialogues 2021

“If You Can Measure It, You Can Improve It” Rethinking Data to Tackle Fragility

April 1, 2021
Event Details
01 April 2021

8:00 – 9:30 ET


“If You Can Measure It, You Can Improve It” Rethinking Data to Tackle Fragility
Session hosted by UNDP, with Lilian Zeki, Head of Solutions Mapping at UNDP Lebanon Accelerator Lab and Ramiz Uddin, Head of Experimentation at UNDP Bangladesh Accelerator Lab joining the panel.

Innovative approaches to risk monitoring, data analysis and new technologies will be key to effectively measure, track and address fragility and risks of crisis. A number of recent initiatives have shown promising initial results, but can they trigger a real change for development aid to address fragility? This session will allow UNDP and partners to share recent initiatives on this topic (including modeling, tools, new platforms and standards for data collection, visualization and analysis) and to hear ideas from colleagues on the ground. Lilian Zeki, Head of Solutions Mapping at UNDP Lebanon Accelerator Lab and Ramiz Uddin, Head of Experimentation at UNDP Bangladesh Accelerator Lab will be joining this panel to share their experiences and the innovative data approaches they are using to tackle fragility in crisis settings. 

Visit the event page here.