Istanbul Innovation Days 2021

Paradigm Lock-in: What after the WESTERN model of development?

March 24, 2021
Event Details
24 March 2021

04:15 - 05:30 EDT


Paradigm Lock-in: What after the WESTERN model of development?
Webinar hosted by UNDP, moderated by Gina Lucarelli, UNDP Accelerator Labs Team Leader.

The international development project was founded on the premise that “Western” models of development should be exported to developing “third world” countries. The sector has, at least formally, moved on from these initial premises but lots of the underlying thinking and paradigms still permeate the work of international organisations.
What are the costs of the forgotten perspectives, who is paying for them and how? What promises do forgotten truths hold for living in the 21st century? What are the new pathways that can be unlocked once we acknowledge that the next big thing will not come from Silicon Valley, but from Jakarta, Bogota or Dubai?

Visit the event page here.