Uzbekistan Development Finance Bond Impact & Allocation Report


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Uzbekistan Development Finance Bond Impact & Allocation Report

April 22, 2022

Uzbekistan with UNDP support published its first impact report covering issuance of the first-ever public UZS-denominated sovereign bond. Uzbekistan Development Finance Bond Impact & Allocation Report describes how sovereign bond proceeds support sustainable development across a variety of sectors and how projects support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In November 2020, the Republic of Uzbekistan issued Eurobonds with a three-year, 14.5 percent UZS 2 trillion tranche, being the equivalent of approximately US$200 million. The proceeds from the transaction were declared to be used for development projects that align with the national SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. The projects support the promotion of decent working conditions, economic growth, gender equality and increasing infrastructure sustainability.

This report highlights Uzbekistan’s commitment to achieving its sustainable development goals and provides a transparent report on the impact of funds deployed.