Social and psychological determinants of behavioral changes in girls and women in STEM education and STEM employment

Social and psychological determinants of behavioral changes in girls and women in STEM education and STEM employment

November 22, 2023

The objective of the research presented in the report is to study the social and psychological determinants of behavioral changes of girls and women in STEM professions in Uzbekistan in order to develop recommendations for their involvement in the professional sphere. Behavioral changes were revealed through the degree of identification of the individual with the professional sphere (STEM-identity) and through her inclusion in the professional sphere (STEM-involvement).

The research was based on the methodology of the following approaches: Positive Deviance Approach, ecological systems model, M. Zimmerman's model of psychological empowerment process, social identity theory, A. Bandura's socio-cognitive theory. During the research process, qualitative and quantitative data were collected through content analysis of information in the media, including speed interviews of girls and women involved in science and technology; focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with female students studying and working in STEM fields; and a sociological survey questionnaire with psychological scales included.