Stabilization Programme Report Quarter 2 2023 - Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

Q2 Stabilization Report 2023

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Stabilization Programme Report Quarter 2 2023 - Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

August 31, 2023

In Quarter 2, 2023, the Stabilization Programme started to lay the groundwork for the major activities of community security, infrastructure, basic services, and livelihood opportunities by releasing a comprehensive number of procurement tenders to speed up the activities after the signature of the project document. 

Between April and June 2023, UNDP sought to identify beneficiaries, organize infrastructure assessments and initiate partnerships with national and provincial authorities. However, UNDP was also able to carry out tangible interventions such as 567 people reached through Cash for Work initiatives. 700 new beneficiaries have been identified in the hard-to-reach districts of Nangade and Muidumbe and are due to begin activities early in the 3rd quarter.

 The active Cash for Work members have been responsible for cleaning activities, the construction of a community court, a primary school and construction of traditional roofing for over 10 prefabricated structures Additionally, a series of trainings were delivered covering topics ranging from police deontology, ethics and human rights to community policing and early warning systems. The main beneficiaries were members of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) and members of community security councils, totaling 117 participants. 

Currently, 4 administrative infrastructures in Palma, and the Health Cen¬ter complex in Quissanga, the Police Station in Mocímboa da Praia and the airstrip in Nangade are undergo¬ing rehabilitation. In Q3, over 15 re-habilitation projects will be launched.