Public procurement policies and practices at the local level in BiH

Politike i prakse javnih nabavki na lokalnom nivou u BiH

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Public procurement policies and practices at the local level in BiH

September 7, 2023

Project for Improving Performance of Local Services (PIPLS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to help local governments increase the level of transparency and accountability when managing public goods, provide additional revenues and improve the provision of services.
Report on public procurement policies and practices at the local level in BiH has been prepared, within the PIPLS project, which aims to provide insight into the practices of conducting public procurement at the local level, from the aspect of contracting authorities and bidders in BiH, and formulate recommendations with the aim of ensuring efficient and transparent public procurement and purposeful spending of public funds. The report also contains a set of defined recommendations that should ultimately lead to the improvement of the public procurement system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Public procurement in contracting bodies at the local level is crucial for the implementation of development projects and the provision of quality services to citizens and the business community.

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