Sharing the Experience of the Republic of Korea in Nature-based Solutions Approaches: Enhancing Resilience for the Sustainable Development Goals


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Sharing the Experience of the Republic of Korea in Nature-based Solutions Approaches: Enhancing Resilience for the Sustainable Development Goals

October 15, 2021

Sustainable Development Goals Policy Brief Series No. 11

Nature-based Solutions (NBS) aim to strike a balance between human development and the conservation of nature. They simultaneously meet environmental and social challenges with actions protecting, managing, and restoring ecosystems for human well-being and biodiversity benefits. This paper focuses on the Republic of Korea's NBS practices in sustainable forestry that have contributed to strengthening resilience – environmental and socioeconomic. It offers Korea's extraordinary reforestation experience as a model example. It also presents case studies from China, Mongolia, and Kazakhstan where NBS projects funded by Korean ODA helped strengthen local and regional resilience.