Programme Analyst, UNDP
Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights Team, UNDP
Policy Specialist, Development Planning, UNDP
Governance, Climate Change Finance and Development Effectiveness Advisor, UNDP
OIC DRR and Recovery Team, Crisis Bureau, UNDP
Rule of Law and and Human Rights Specialist, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub
Líder del equipo de Crecimiento Inclusivo, PNUD América Latina y el Caribe
Policy Specialist for Human Rights, Crisis Bureau, UNDP
Analista de planificación territorial
Private Sector Programme Advisor, UNDP
Programme Specialist/Cluster Lead/Inclusive Growth, UNDP Moldova
En:Lead Learning Designer Specialist, Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS es:Especialista Líder en Diseño del Aprendizaje, PNUD en Europa y Asia Central
Policy Specialist, Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights Crisis Bureau, UNDP
Chefs de reputación internacional y Embajadores de Buena Voluntad del PNUD
Global Programme Advisor on Anti-Corruption, UNDP
Head of Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Responsive Institutions, UNDP
Especialista en políticas de Estado de Derecho, Seguridad Ciudadana y Derechos Humanos para el PNUD en América Latina y el Caribe
Environment Specialist, UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support