Three women laughing together

Social Innovation Platform


UNDP and ALC are working collaboratively to support and scale Social Innovation Platforms in countries and regions across the globe to help develop people-centric integrated solutions for the SDGs that UNDP Strategic Plan 2022-2025 calls for.  

Laos PDR and North Thailand

UNDP Laos and SDG Integration team (SDGi) at UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) are developing Social Innovation Platforms in Vientiane and Chiang Rai to tackle Air Pollution. SIP facilitates cross-border and inter-department collaboration to develop integrated interventions to address the issue.  

Maldives and Bangladesh

UNDP in Maldives and Bangladesh, and SDGi at BRH, are implementing Social Innovation Platforms in Maldives and Bangladesh with a focus on Future of Work, a future where all youth, women, and others at risk of being left behind, contribute to and benefit from inclusive, resilient, and sustainable livelihood activities. 

Europe & Central Asia

The UNDP innovation community in Europe and Central Asia has applied SIP approach to develop Agora, an urban transformation framework for designing and managing portfolios in urban contexts for cities to better respond to both immediate and future challenges and shocks and build resilience. The Agora framework provides intelligence about key urban system structures and dynamics, as well as tools on how to apply and use a systems lens in designing an urban transformation portfolio in any city system. Agora framework has been applied under the City Experiment Fund and Mayors for Economic Growth Initiatives in the region, as well as utilized across UNDP global initiatives, for example in the Philippines and Bolivia.