Visibility and confidence boost for Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office’s National Emergency Rapid Team

May 8, 2024
Solomon Islands

The donation of 100 polo shirts will give a boost to the visibility and morale.

Photo: UNDP

Honiara, Solomon Islands - A donation of 100 polo shirts from the UN Development Programme's (UNDP) Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Project gave a boost to the visibility and morale of the Solomon Islands National Disaster Management Office's (NDMO) National Emergency Rapid Team (NERT).

NERT stands out in the Pacific as the first rapid response team built on the UN's tried-and-tested UNDAC methodology for disaster preparedness and response. UNDAC is a key part of the international system that tackles sudden-onset emergencies.

NERT is a powerful team of 69 professionals with a wide range of skills.  This includes experienced emergency managers and humanitarian experts from the national government, provinces, development partners, NGOs, and civil society, working alongside staff from the NDMO.

The NERT provides four critical services namely:

Support strategic and operational coordination including field coordination.

Coordinated Assessment
Support multi-sectoral assessments including Initial Situational Overview, Initial Damage Assessment and Detail Sector Assessment.

Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Response (HADR)
Supporting emergency response and humanitarian assistance during disasters.

Search and Rescue
Initiate and support multi-sector search and rescue activities during emergencies and disasters.

Australian Government representative Sarah Lailey appreciated the partnership and solidarity with the Solomon Islands Government in many development areas including climate change, disaster risk management, and humanitarian sectors. 

“We appreciate the work that the NDMO NERT do in the disaster management and humanitarian space, serving the communities. We appreciate that the NDMO chose the Australian Government as a partner of choice,” she said.  

Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands NDMO staff.

Photo: UNDP

Jonathan Tafiariki, NDMO Director, said:

“We appreciate the financial support of the Australian Government through UNDP’s IDRM Project. UNDP has been our traditional and long-standing partner over the years.”

UNDP’s IDRM Project has provided extensive support to the Solomon Islands Government in its fight against disasters. This project works with the NDMO, Climate Change Division, and Solomon Islands Meteorological Services – all under the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster and Meteorology.

For more information please contact:

Daniel Gonzalez | Communications Analyst | UNDP Solomon Islands |