Spirit of Cooperation: UNDP Reaffirms Commitment Towards an Empowered and Sustainable Future for Kiribati

May 15, 2024

UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji Resident Representative Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel presenting her letter of credentials to Honorable Uering Iteraera, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, Republic of Kiribati.

Photo: UNDP

Tarawa, Kiribati: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Office in Fiji has reinforced its commitment to supporting Kiribati’s development priorities by enhancing institutional capacity and accelerating project delivery. The formal presentation of credentials by Resident Representative Munkhtuya Altangerel to the Honorable Uering Iteraera, Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration, marks a significant milestone in this partnership.

During the dialogue, Ms. Altangerel expressed gratitude and reaffirmed UNDP’s commitment to collaboration and partnership.

"I am honored to have formally presented my credentials to the Government of Kiribati. The UNDP Pacific Office and I are motivated to unlock resources and work together hand-in-hand to enhance institutional capacity and accelerate progress in project delivery for the people of Kiribati,” she said.  

Secretary Iteraera welcomed Ms. Altangerel and her delegation, underscoring the importance of UNDP’s presence in Kiribati.  

"We are honored to welcome Ms. Altangerel and delegation. The overall presence of UNDP in Kiribati is critical in continuing the great work being done in our country," he said.  

A key focus area of the dialogue was on the strengthening of institutional capacity to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of project delivery and implementation. This effort aims to ensure that development projects are executed promptly and with the highest standards, without undermining national systems and policies, directly benefiting the people of Kiribati. This includes training and development programs for local staff and increasing the technical expertise available within government agencies.


Secretary Iteraera welcomed Ms. Altangerel and her delegation, underscoring the importance of UNDP’s presence in Kiribati. p

Photo: UNDP

Resource mobilization was also explored, specifically regarding unlocking financial and technical expertise to sustain development initiatives, particularly in building climate resilience, promoting inclusive growth, and enhancing effective governance. These priorities align with the broader goals of sustainable development towards the overall progress of Small Island States like Kiribati.

UNDP looks forward to continuing its long-standing partnership with Kiribati in supporting parliamentary development, public financial management, resilience and climate adaptation, expanding clean energy opportunities, the improvement of healthcare through effective service delivery and building the capacity of healthcare workers – especially in the outer islands, and enhancing biodiversity protection across the country.

For more information please contact:  

Nick Turner | Communication and Advocacy Specialist | nicholas.turner@undp.org