UNDP Libya Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2025

UNDP Libya Gender Strategy 2023-2025

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UNDP Libya Gender Equality Strategy 2023-2025

October 26, 2023

This document presents the gender strategy of the UNDP Libya Country Office for fiscal year 2023-2025. The CO developed its first gender strategy (2018-2020) to articulate its commitment to align with Signature Solution 6 of the UNDP Strategic Plan. 

In 2023, the CO achieved the silver level of the Gender Equality Seal Certification, scoring 76.67%, fulfilling 23 out of 30 benchmarks compared to a baseline score of 68% in 2020. This new gender strategy will help the CO to continue transforming gender inequality in Libya and progress toward gold-level certification of the Gender Equality Seal.

This strategy aligns with the United Nations frameworks, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework for Libya (2023-2025), the Country Programme Document (CPD) for 2023-2025, the UNDP Global Gender Strategy (2023-2025), the UN System-Wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, and the vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Document Type
Regions and Countries
Sustainable Development Goals