Are you familiar with the

Digital Standards?


UNDP's Digital Standards provide guidance to UNDP teams on best practices when creating digital solutions for development. We are sharing them publicly as they can help other teams think through the process. 


Why are digital standards important for UNDP?  

Digital standards provide a framework for innovation and improvement. By setting standards on the management and exchange of digital information, and how digital products are created, UNDP can help ensure that new technologies are used effectively, efficiently, and ethically to support our development goals.

Digital standards also assist UNDP in keeping pace with the rapidly changing technological landscape. They provide a way for UNDP to assess new technologies and ensure they are compatible with existing systems. This helps UNDP avoid investing in obsolete or incompatible technologies.

The Digital Standards are based on the Principles for Digital Development but are specific to UNDP, leveraging the organization's experience and breadth.

Finally, by adhering to digital standards, UNDP can help foster trust from our partners and stakeholders. When UNDP uses standard formats and protocols, it demonstrates our commitment to open communication and collaboration. This helps UNDP establish itself as a reliable and trustworthy development partner and a thought leader in the digital realm.

Therefore, UNDP's digital standards are an important part of its overall strategy to use technology to achieve its development goals. The UNDP Digital Standards have been created through extensive consultations with internal and external experts, and with a real understanding of various UNDP projects. 


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