Formative Research on Gender Based Violence, Emergency Livelihoods and Displacement

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Formative Research on Gender Based Violence, Emergency Livelihoods and Displacement

March 28, 2023

Emergency livelihoods are essentially not risky, although there implementation without
consideration for gender dynamics, potential gender-based violence (GBV) risks and putting inplace prevention and risk mitigation mechanisms can lead to unintended consequences. 

This evidence calls for taking necessary steps to integrate gender and GBV considerations within livelihood programmes, including conducting formative research to assess the protection risks and designing GBV tools and materials that are to be integrated in livelihood actions to improve safety and protection of women and girls. This formative research is meant to explore the intersection of GBV, emergency livelihoods and displacement so as to understand the gender dynamics (including changing power relations), assess GBV risks and recommend measures to be taken to reduce women and girls vulnerability.