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Arab Future Energy Index Afex 2016
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Arab Future Energy Index Afex 2016

Nov 7, 2016

The AFEX 2016 Renewable Energy edition reveals the robust commitment of Arab countries to develop financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable energy systems through the wider deployment of renewable energy solutions. The Arab countries voiced vibrant pledges to climate action following the Paris Conference of Parties (COP21) Agreement, with many concrete measures that will strongly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goal on energy (SDG7): Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. SDG7 is one of 17 goals adopted by the United Nations to address the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development by 2030. The AFEX comprehensive assessment of the investment climate for renewable energy development links further to other green SDGs including SDG 1 poverty reduction and job creations, SDG6 water and sanitation, SDG 11 sustainable cities and SDG13 climate change. As a matter of fact, AFEX as a monitoring tool has gained deeper meaning by crystalizing the relevance of renewable energy targets and executed projects to sustainable development and to climate change actions under the UNFCCC.

It is developed in concert with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), an inter-governmental entity affiliated to the League of Arab States with a mandate to provide technical assistance to member countries in the region to achieve their low-carbon, sustainable energy targets under the LAS Renewable Energy Strategy (2013-2030). AFEX is produced in close concert with national focal points in national energy Ministries affiliated to RCREEE and LAS, and with the critical technical and financial assistance of UNDPs Arab Climate Resilience Initiative. As seen it focuses on efforts by countries to overcome market barriers, put in place new legal and policy frameworks, institutional capacities, and finance solutions needed to scale-up renewable solutions in the region. This year our top 5 performers across these four metrics are: Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, UAE and Palestine.

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