The 77th United Nations Day

October 24, 2022

Ole Jacob Sending, Arvinn Gadgil, Camilla Viken


On October 24, the United Nations marks the anniversary of the declaration of the UN Charter in 1945. The United Nations was legally established with the approval of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council.

There is no other global institution with the legitimacy, convening power, and normative impact of the United Nations. And no other institution succeeds in inspiring so many people to believe in a better society and in delivering the future we envision for ourselves. Today, in a world impacted by global crises, conflicts, and insecurity, the urgency for all countries to come together, to fulfil the promise of the nations united, has rarely been greater.

Ingrid Fiskaa, Åsmund Aukrust, Dag-Inge Ulstein

United Nations Day at Oslo Governance Centre (OGC)  

This year, the Oslo Governance Centre, in collaboration with the UN Association of Norway, and UNICEF Norway, hosted a panel discussion on the collective need for a strong UN system. To commemorate the UN's seventy-seventh anniversary, UN experts and Norwegian Members of Parliament were invited to discuss the critical need for a robust relationship between the UN and Norway in order to most effectively address the global challenges we face today.

Members of the Norwegian Parliament, Åsmund Aukrust, Dag-Inge Ulstein, and Ingrid Fiskaa, discussed the UN-Norway relations and the mutual interest in investing in the UN system. Among the many intriguing points raised was the fact that global problems necessitate global solutions. This need has never been greater, given that climate change, the energy crisis, and conflicts affect the entire world and know no national borders.

Research director and expert on global governance and multilateralism, Ole Jacob Sending, Executive Director of UNICEF Norway, Camilla Viken, and Director of OGC Arvinn Gadgil, all emphasized the UN's crucial function and legitimacy, even in times of conflict. They conveyed that, despite the institutions' limitations in certain areas, the UN remains the only meeting ground where conflicting parties can engage in dialogue and global issues can be discussed.

Furthermore, the necessity of small but renowned nations such as Norway investing in the UN system was affirmed as pivotal for the future of the organization. And that the commitment of European states to the UN, whether strong or weak, will undoubtedly send a signal to the rest of the world.



Every year, UN Day provides an opportunity to enhance our common agenda and reaffirm the purposes and principles of the UN Charter that have guided us for the past seventy-seven years.