Focus Areas
Sustainable land management and restoration
The Global Policy Centre on Resilient Ecosystems and Desertification (GC-RED) contributes to the global efforts to halt and reverse land degradation – to help countries achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 15.3 of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN). The Centre is UNDP’s designated office and liaison for the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Achieving LDN will be a stepping stone toward land-based sustainable development, growth and prosperity beyond 2030. As a key partner to the UNCCD-led ‘LDN Target Setting Programme’, the Centre has helped build regional capacity to introduce the Scientific Conceptual Framework for LDN and initiate the piloting of LDN target setting in selected countries in Africa and Asia.
The first edition of the Global Land Outlook led by UNCCD and supported by the GC-RED is an ambitious policy initiative to determine the future course of land policies and land management across the globe.
Our policy research on women’s empowerment in drylands is a contribution toward supporting the policy dialogue, leading to the adoption of the first-ever UNCCD Gender Action Plan.
Photo: UNDP
Since 2015, the Centre has been an active member of the task force, together with UNCCD, UN Women and IUCN, providing capacity building support on mainstreaming gender equality in sustainable land management. The task force published the policy brief, Land Degradation Neutrality: Interventions to Foster Gender Equality.
The position paper, Combatting Land Degradation: Securing a Sustainable Future articulates UNDP's response to the global land degradation challenge, presents its service offer on sustainable land management and highlights its support for the implementation of the UNCCD 2018-2030 Strategic Framework.