Focus Areas

Resilience Building Support

The Global Policy Centre on Resilient Ecosystems and Desertification (GC-RED) has developed a conceptual framework to guide its work on social and ecological resilience building. The goal of this framework is to enhance the resilience capacities of communities in drylands and other fragile ecosystems to shocks and stresses from climate-related weather events as well as conflicts. This will be achieved through the promotion of resilient development solutions for such communities through:

1. nurturing inclusive and sustainable livelihoods; and

2. supporting the sustainable management and use of land and water resources.


The Drought Initiative

In 2018, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Drought Initiative was launched to assist affected countries in achieving Objective 3 of the Convention’s Strategic Framework on ‘“mitigating, adapting to and managing the effects of drought’”.  This initiative aims to boost the resilience of people and ecosystems to drought by: 

  • supporting the development of national drought action plans;
  • providing a toolbox to policy-makers and practitioners including tools, case studies and resources to support the design of the drought plans; and
  • supporting regional efforts to reduce drought vulnerability and risks. GC-RED is supporting this initiative by helping selected countries (Iran and Morocco) in developing their drought action plans.

Photo: UNDP


Community Based Resilience Analysis

The Centre has developed the Community Based Resilience Analysis (CoBRA), a participatory resilience assessment methodology, through which to identify the locally-specific factors contributing to the resilience of households and communities facing different types of shocks and stresses. Resilience is a complex concept. Different organizations have different understandings and interpretations of resilience, and thus identifying where and how to build resilience in practice is proving to be elusive. CoBRA aims to understanding resilience from community and household perspectives based on the assumption that building blocks of resilience vary from location to location. CoBRA methodology has been applied in a number of locations in Africa since 2012. The results of the CoBRA assessment have been used to inform policymaking and programming processes at local, national and higher levels.


Key Publications