Standardized Baseline Assessment for Rural Off-Grid-Electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa


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Standardized Baseline Assessment for Rural Off-Grid-Electrification in Sub-Saharan Africa

November 21, 2013

This report was produced under the leadership and funding of the UNDP’s Regional Bureau of Africa regional environment project on the Management of Environmental Services and Financing for Sustainable Development. The project provides support targeted at building the capacity of regional economic communities (RECs), governments, UNDP country offices and other stakeholders on sustainable ways to restore and manage natural ecosystems, while also, establishing enabling conditions for countries to access environmental finance from emerging carbon/environmental finance markets.

MDG Carbon provided the technical support for this report. MDG Carbon is an innovative programme to harness the resources of the carbon market in order to bring long-term sustainable development, at scale, to a wide range of developing countries.

Document Type
Regions and Countries