UNDP Gender Seal Country Offices

From implementing quotas for women’s representation in government to promoting women in non-traditional sectors, UNDP Gender Seal Offices are transforming gender inequalities. More than 120 UNDP Country Offices have worked with the Gender Seal programme - check the interactive tool below to see how gender equality integration in all of UNDP's work has accelerated development impact.

animated map of all countries that have received a gender seal



UNDP Gender Seal Country Offices

Use the interactive tool to see how gender integration in all areas of work accelerates development impact.

The Gender Seal programme underscores that achieving transformative results for gender equality requires gender integration at all levels of an organization or country office. Use the tool below to click on different areas of work and see key achievements of UNDP offices in Management Systems, Capacities, Enabling environment, Knowledge Management and Communications, Programmes, Partnerships and Development Results and Impact.

Enabling Environment


    UNDP Belarus

    UNDP Belarus has matched finances with gender ambition, now with 93% of their programme expenditures working to advance gender equality.

    UNDP China

    UNDP China is co-owning gender goals with a Gender and Diversity Task Team with representation from all units and lead by the senior management.

    UNDP Liberia

    UNDP Liberia has a vision and plan to localize ambitious gender goals with a CO Gender Equality Strategy and action plan in place.

    UNDP Uzbekistan

    UNDP Uzbekistan has integrated gender into financial allocations, securing 86% of all programming expenditures to advance gender equality.


    UNDP Angola

    With dynamic weekly learning sessions on topics like social norms and national gender legal frameworks, capacity-building for gender equality is now a part of UNDP Angola's DNA.

    UNDP Comoros

    Gender and climate change to gender-responsive budgeting are just a few topics from UNDP Comoros' robust gender capacity building plan hosted by a designated Training Committee.

    UNDP Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People

    UNDP’s Programme for Palestinian People implemented the Gender Transformative Workshops, linking individual change with organizational change and development impact.

    UNDP Tunisia

    UNDP Tunisia has a mechanism in place for the integration of gender competencies within its recruitment process, thus ensuring all new personnel have basic gender capacities.

    Enabling Environment

    UNDP Iran

    UNDP Iran is eliminating barriers to the full and equal participation of women within the workplace and now have more than 50% women in the office with strong presence in decision-making.

    UNDP Kosovo*

    In collaboration with the Kosovo Centre for Gender Studies, UNDP Kosovo* organized an event to honor the stories of girls with disabilities, creating an important dialogue on better inclusion of women and girls living with disabilities.

    *References to Kosovo shall be understood in the context of Security Council Resolution 1244

    UNDP Syria

    UNDP Syria is proactive in preventing and responding to sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse incidents, with a committed team of 11 PSEA field focal points.

    UNDP Yemen

    UNDP Yemen launched the 'gender job shadowing' and mentorships initiative that allow for an open space and dialogue to support women's upward career mobility.

    Communications and Knowledge Management

    UNDP Lesotho

    UNDP Lesotho is acting as a thought leader on gender equality with a compilation that highlights stories of Basotho women and their role in innovative entrepreneurship.

    UNDP Niger

    UNDP Niger uses gender responsive language, data, and images on all its public communications materials - now achieving more than 40% of social media posts with a gender responsive approach.

    UNDP Thailand

    UNDP Thailand's knowledge product on ‘Thai Women’s Unpaid Care and Domestic Work and the Impact on Decent Employment’ has contributed to Thai population's understanding of the overall magnitude and impacts of unpaid care and domestic work.

    UNDP Lebanon

    UNDP Lebanon has positioned itself as an influencer and thought leader on preventing violence against women in politics and fostering women's political empowerment.

    Programmes / Projects

    UNDP Ghana

    UNDP Ghana has developed a strong pipeline of projects and a clear plan to increase resources that will expand its work on gender equality in programmes, including a proposal to improve the digital capacity of young women smallholder farmers.

    UNDP Guinea Bissau

    UNDP Guinea-Bissau has systematized the use of gender responsive indicators and baselines within all programme portfolios, using the Leave No One Behind approach to support transformative results.

    UNDP Nigeria

    UNDP Nigeria has integrated gender equality within its national planning, including gender analysis that informs the narrative of national context, programme priorities, and partnerships.

    UNDP Ethiopia

    UNDP Ethiopia has put in place a coherent, operational system for systematic gender screening of all projects along with a mandatory
    checklist to be utilized from design to implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages of projects cycles.


    UNDP Burkina Faso

    UNDP Burkina Faso has strong partnerships with women’s movements and CSOs at the regional, national, and local levels, for instance, the partnership with the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding is boosting women’s role in peacebuilding.

    UNDP Lao

    UNDP Lao PDR has leveraged its convening power to bring together a diverse group of CSOs and women’s organizations, building a strong coalition to tackle gender-based violence and supporting the intersection of gender equality and disabilities.

    UNDP Maldives

    UNDP Maldives is partnering with diverse national stakeholders, including a strong partnership with the Department of Judicial Administration on promoting gender equality in the judicial sector.

    UNDP Peru

    UNDP Peru is collaborating with the private sector through its ""No estás Sola"" (you are not alone) initiative, which seeks to build a community of companies to end gender-based violence.

    UNDP South Sudan

    UNDP South Sudan established a partnership with the South Sudan Women’s Coalition for Peace (SSWCP) - a network of over 50 organizations and individuals working to uphold gender equality, women’s empowerment, and peacebuilding.


    UNDP Bolivia

    At the local government level, UNDP Bolivia helped to achieve equitable representation of women in decision-making spaces, as well as helped to systematize gender responsive budgeting in local government's annual operational plans.

    UNDP China

    UNDP China has supported more than 1.2 million women to take on roles in community public affairs management, including non-traditional sectors such as construction and water governance.

    UNDP Philippines

    UNDP Philippines support has been transformative in quipping a cohort of women Islamic scholars, women mediators and women in the security sector with specialized skills for the reintegration and after-care of violent extremism returnees and for preventing new radicalization.

    UNDP Uzbekistan

    UNDP Uzbekistan has supported breakthroughs in preventing and addressing gender-based violence, with interventions resulting in a 23% decrease in the incidence of violence against women and a network of 197 shelters with legal assistance now covers all 14 regions of Uzbekistan.

    UNDP Zambia

    With UNDP Zambia's support, the Zambian Police have adopted the first ever Gender Workplace Policy in 2023, ensuring women have equal rights in a traditionally male dominated sector.


    Meet the Gender Seal gold-certified country offices from the 2021-2023 round of the Seal and discover how their transformative initiatives are driving impactful change for gender equality. Click on the country links below to dive into their success stories.