Off-grid power supply carbon footprint and sustainable energy planning of primary health facilities



Off-grid power supply carbon footprint and sustainable energy planning of primary health facilities

October 28, 2015

Cost effective, resilient and sustainable access to energy is an important building block for development and is a strategically important objective for UNDP as recognised by the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL1) programme. In the health sector, power availability is a key requirement for successful service delivery with power needed for life-support equipment (e.g. incubators), essential equipment (e.g. refrigerators), and basic function delivery requiring light to see or power for small equipment. In many countries where UNDP-GF administers programmes, there is insufficient generation capacity or delivery infrastructure. This means that in many cases GF-grants are being used to procure and support micro scale energy infrastructure. This study will provide an insight to the carbon impact and savings potential of renewable off grid generation technology at country grant level.