Validating and prioritising available indicator(s) for SDG 16.7.2: “Proportion of population who believe that decision-making is inclusive and responsive”


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Validating and prioritising available indicator(s) for SDG 16.7.2: “Proportion of population who believe that decision-making is inclusive and responsive”

March 6, 2019

This document explores existing survey questions on such issues that might serve as a basket of indicators, or as indicator-pairs, specifically for 16.7.2 as distinct from the other Goal 16 targets.

Indicator 16.7.2 of SDG Goal 16, the “Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive (by sex, age, disability and population group)”, is to be measured by perception data from comparable in-country sample surveys. However, its abstract, social-scientific wording requires breakdown into one or more accessible and specific survey questions.

Decision-making in society is not only “downwards”, for example decisions affecting citizens taken by their national or local representatives or the public service; but also “upwards”, notably in citizens’ electoral decisions about who is to represent them in government. And these both relate to decision-making “horizontally” between citizens and civil-society organisations.