A review and testing of available indicators for SDG 16.7.2: “Proportion of population who believe that decision-making is inclusive and responsive”


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A review and testing of available indicators for SDG 16.7.2: “Proportion of population who believe that decision-making is inclusive and responsive”

March 6, 2019

This study on 16.7.2 is about one of the two indicators under target 16.7 – “Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels”. SDG 16.7.2 complements the indicator 16.7.1 with a focus on responsiveness and inclusiveness of decision-making as perceived by the population (drawing from population surveys). It is implicit in indicator 16.7.2 that “decision-making” refers to decision-making in the public governance realm (and not all decision-making).