A National Action Plan for the Future of Peruvian Coffee

November 5, 2018

Under the leadership of the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) and the National Coffee Council (Junta Nacional del Café or JNC), the Peruvian National Coffee Action Plan 2018-2030 was officially launched in October 2018 with the view of promoting sector growth, environmental sustainability, and the well-being of the 223.000 farmer families that depend on this crop.

The National Coffee Action Plan was developed with the financial support of the Swiss government's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and UNDP's technical assistance through the Green Commodities ProgramME. During the launch ceremony, both institutions committed to supporting its implementation phase.

During the launch, Gustavo Mostajo, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, said "The plan is a result of a participatory process that involved over 1000 private and public sector stakeholders, the international cooperation and civil society representing the coffee value chain".

"Today, thanks to the efforts deployed by the different actors, the coffee sector has a shared vision" said María del Carmen Sacasa, UNDP Resident Representative in Peru. "The National Coffee Action Plan shows us that it is possible to generate consensus and work together in order to improve the livelihoods of producer families, increase incomes, strengthen technical capacities for enhancing productivity and reduce deforestation and climate change risks".

The plan includes priority actions and sector goals until 2030 with the main purpose of strengthening competitiveness and social and environmental sustainability at national and international levels.

The first objective is to increase productivity through sustainable production systems, from 15 to 25 quintals per hectare, by 2030. The second objective is to maintain coffee quality consistency: 70% of exports shall be sold as certified quality coffee by 2030. Likewise, the plan seeks to facilitate access of producers to appropriate financial services; improve positioning and commercialization of the Peruvian coffee within national and international markets; occupy the fifth place in the ranking of relevant exporting countries; and increase internal consumption by 30%.

Currently, Peru cultivates approximate 140,000 hectares of organic coffee from a total of 420,000 hectares, occupying the second place in the ranking of organic coffee producer and exporting countries in the world.