Local people in West Java working together on building community-based tourism village

Social Innovation Platform



UNDP Indonesia, in partnership with Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration, has been implementing SIP in West Java and Gorontalo provinces with support from UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) and Agirre Lehendakaria Center (ALC). SIP Indonesia informs governance systems and complements traditional community consultation mechanism "Musrenbang" by facilitating new forms of collaborations between communities, governments, and business sector for integrated solutions to tackle local development issues and putting people at the center of development planning. 

In Gorontalo and West Java, SIP helps boost sustainable village development by convening stakeholders across sectors including village clusters, provincial and local level planning agencies, Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), and local NGOs to co-design portfolios of solutions for blue economy and sustainable tourism development at the subnational level.



In Indonesia, over 7,000 villages across the country have borne the brunt of development challenges ranging from poor infrastructure, lack of clean water, ocean pollution and waste disposal. The extensive impact has been exacerbated by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of Indonesians in small and remote villages across the vast archipelago are at the forefront of the health crisis and the economic crisis that came along. Sustainable transformation at the village level is critical to accelerating SDGs in Indonesia. In 2020, Ministry of Villages endorsed a regulation on prioritizing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and SDG localization at village level. Conventional community development planning mechanism has been challenged in terms of inclusion and effectiveness. A more inclusive, effective, integrated and gender-sensitive approach is needed for socio-economic development and COVID-19 recovery in Indonesia.