Sahel Climate Peace and Security Forum

Climate policy and financing for peace and security

November 6, 2023
Event Details

November 9, 2023 -
November 11, 2023

Bamako, Mali

The Sahel Climate Security Forum, under the theme "Climate Policy and Financing for Peace and Security," aims to address the interlinked issues of climate change and security in the Sahel region. It will bring together policymakers, experts, and stakeholders to discuss sustainable solutions for peace and stability, focusing on innovative climate policies and financing mechanisms. The event will take place in Bamako, Mali, from 9 to 11 November 2023.

Objectives of the Sahel peace and climate security forum :

  • Recall the scope of the link between climate, peace and security, the factors that exacerbate these risks, and the implications for regional development through documented analysis and relevant data.
  • Facilitate exchanges on solutions and approaches implemented jointly or individually or individually by organizations and in the field. 
  • Examine opportunities for coordination and strategic mobilization of local and regional players and donors to respond to climate risks.
  • Improve climate policies and financing mechanisms to support effective climate action and peacebuilding efforts, in close collaboration with the African Union Commission and regional and national entities.
  • Proposing a sustainable framework for consultation and action on the link between climate, peace and security to help countries, local and regional authorities and communities develop political and programmatic solutions.

Useful Links and Resources

Watch the opening ceremony