Advancing stabilization efforts through climate, peace and security solutions
High-Level Partnerships Forum on Climate, Peace and Security in Stabilization Contexts
April 7, 2024

Event Details
April 8, 2024
April 9, 2024
UNDP & UN Headquarters, New York, USA
The Sahel region is at an inflexion point facing evolving challenges related to peace and security, which together take place against the backdrop of increased risks related to climate change and environmental degradation. On the 15-16 March 2024, the Regional Experts Workshop co-organized by African Union Commission, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the Liptako Gourma Authority with UNDP brought together relevant experts in La Somone, Senegal, to discuss and explore policy and programming of climate, peace and security solutions in stabilization contexts in the Sahel.
The proposed High-Level Partnerships Forum builds on the Regional Experts Workshop, to convene key actors from the New-York area to meet with a high-level delegation from the Sahel region to identify how climate, peace and security-related interventions can play a critical role in stabilization contexts by contributing to longer term recovery, peace and climate resilience.
Objectives and approach
Co-organized by the African Union Commission, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the Liptako Gourma Authority, the Climate Commission for the Sahel Region, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and UNDP, the High-Level Partnerships Forum aims to raise awareness, mobilize partnerships, along with renewed regional and national ownership, and collaboration on climate, peace and security policy and programming, in stabilization contexts in the Sahel.
Objectives include:
- Advance the Bamako Declaration on Climate, Peace and Security, endorsed by Sahelian Member States at ministerial level in the Sahel Forum on Climate Security in November 2023, ahead of COP28, through advocacy by regional/inter-governmental organizations on challenges, gaps and opportunities;
- Engage further at an expert level on the outcomes of the Regional Experts Workshop on Climate, Peace and Security in Stabilization Contexts in the Sahel, held in March 2024, in La Somone, Senegal;
- Raise awareness through expert and principal/high-level briefings on climate, peace and security in stabilization contexts in the Sahel, specifically in the Lake Chad Basin and Liptako Gourma regions, by regional actors from the Sahel;
- Strengthen dialogue between regional and global levels on climate, peace and security priorities in the Sahel, including the key role and ongoing work of regional organizations, and as they align with stabilization efforts in the region to maximize climate, peace and/or security co-benefits;
- Identify synergies and bring attention to programmatic and policy approaches and opportunities to climate, peace and security in stabilization contexts in the Sahel;
- Align with wider UN efforts in the region, including implementation of the UN Integrated Strategy for Sahel (UNISS), New Agenda for Peace, the COP28 Declaration on Climate, Relief Recovery and Peace and the COP27 Presidency initiative, “Climate Responses for Sustaining Peace” and the Pact for the Future, etc.
Useful Links and Resources