Culture and Development in Viet Nam


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Culture and Development in Viet Nam

June 19, 2013

Both a driving force and goal for development, culture is a key factor impacting on every stage of the development process. For development to be relevant and responsive, due attention will have to be paid to both the tangible and the intangible dimensions of culture. The aim is to make development efforts culturally sensitive, and to fully exploit the positive potentials of culture in propelling and accelerating development, while avoiding any negative cultural factors. At the same time, one must be wary of the potentials of certain development models in eroding cultural identities, reducing cultural diversity, and inducing irretrievable losses to the national and local cultural heritage.

Within these premises, the role of culture for development is first explored in this Discussion Paper in terms of the ramifications of a series of international declarations and landmark conferences, including the Millennium Development Goals and World Summit on Sustainable Development. From the international context, the focus is shifted to the recognition of culture in the national policies ofViet Nam, starting from the initiation of the doi moi process up until today. It is argued that in order to successfully address the many development challenges in Viet Nam, the role of culture must be fully recognized, and issues of cultural identity and diversity thoroughly assessed and accommodated in policy interventions.

Through six examples illustrating the cultural approach in a number of different development sectors in Viet Nam, a framework for action towards this end takes shape. Leaning on strategy development applied in the region and noting the constraints to the effective use of resources, some suggestions are advanced for introducing cultural policy considerations into the development agenda. The key strategy directions are the gradual merging of cultural and socio-economic objectives; recognition of the specific cultural characteristics of the population for social issues; use of indigenous cultural resources for socio-economic development; promotion of knowledge sharing and exchange; as well as the application of culture to strengthen cultural identities and diversity, and to contribute to sustainable social and economic development.

In concluding the paper, it is noted that for such strategic directions to take effect, specific interventions and operational changes will be needed in order to alter the development trajectory towards greater sustainability of the country’s economy, environment and society. It is emphasized that the development of culture should progress side-by-side with economic and social development and environmental protection in Viet Nam.